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Modelers of complex systems should read this. Few systems are as complex as a chemical plant. There are thousands of variables ... a system that defies direct assault with formulas from chemistry and physics. A better approach is to model based upon actual plant data.
This is sometimes called "linearization" for simple systems: developing formulas that predict the system's behavior. Regression is key to this approach.
In process control, we are interested in a tool for trouble-shooting, control and optimization. Some of the techniques Van Buskirk describes briefly include:
With a good model, then analysis leading to improvements can begin:
This short article has 9 illustrations (screen shots) and a bibliography. If you're modeling a complex system, this article is worth a look.
More generally, I recommend PC AI (artificial intelligence on PC's) for people interested in leading-edge topics including: expert systems, pattern recognition, natural language processing, data mining, robotics, regression, neural networks, simulated annealing, and genetic algorithms. I've subscribed for over a decade.
John Schuyler, May 2000.
Copyright © 2000 by John R. Schuyler. All rights reserved. Permission to copy with reproduction of this notice.