Decision Analysis for Petroleum Exploration
Risks and Decision Analysis in
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by Paul Newendorp and John Schuyler
April 2014, 554 pages, softcover, US$79.95
Planning Press, Aurora, Colorado USA
ISBN 978-0-9664401-4-0
This guide for decision makers (and those who present recommendations to decision makers) is expected to be available in 2020.
You may view some initial components at the book's home page.

Rewrite of the best-selling previous editions. The 2nd edition sold over 18,000 copies.
by John Schuyler
2018, 491 pages, paperback, US$39.95
ISBN-10 171901423X ISBN-13 978-1719014236
Kindle edition, US$29.95 (Full-page images make this suited to larger devices.)
Planning Press, Aurora, CO USA
© 1996-2019 by John R. Schuyler