Decision Analysis Briefing 1/2 to 1 day
For managers and executives. Discussion of decision policy, decision analysis key concepts. How to interpret the results of a decision analysis. Implementation and team-analysis issues.
Decision Analysis Workshops typically 1 day
Overview of decision analysis and @RISK. Rapid introduction to the tool and its capabilities. Usually conducted in a informal seminar format. A few handouts but no course notebook. Conducted at client location.
Decision Analysis in Projects
2 to 5 days
Business Risks and Decision
Analysis 2 to 5 days
Semi-custom courses for project team members and evaluation professionals. In-depth coverage of decision analysis fundamentals, modeling concepts, and use of @RISK in Excel or 1-2-3W. Conducted at client location.
Course materials feature John Schuyler's new book: Risk and Decision Analysis in Projects, 2nd Edition published by Project Management Institute (2001). |
Project Evaluation and Planning Assistance
Facilitating the project team evaluation. Also suitable for training a small group. This approach is suited to time-urgent situations where results and hands-on experience are needed quickly. Decision analysis concepts are explained along the way.
Economic Evaluation
Feasibility studies, project and asset valuation. Assistance in corporate planning, mergers and acquisitions, and negotiation support. Expert testimony. Reviewing and tuning corporate decision policy.
Information about the author and instructor, John Schuyler